It’s the holiday season, so we at the Savage FINcast are giving you what you want! Craig and Jim sit down to interview the big man himself, Erik Larsen! Join us as we ring in the new year by discussing the past, present, and future of our favorite funny mag!
Listen as we discuss topics such as the “chosen one”, comic book logic, aging and killing characters, Dragon’s fin, collecting old spin-off series, anniversary issues, and Dragon’s continued role in the book. In addition, we touch upon the future, as Erik talks about what we can look forward to when Malcolm takes the lead in issue #193 and drops hints as to what we can expect from issue #200.
This time around, in addition to of our normal interview, we asked YOU, the Savage FINcast listeners, for questions to pose to Erik! Your response was tremendous and Erik did his best to satisfy your Universo-like hunger for Savage Dragon knowledge!
In addition to the interview, we attempt to keep you up-to-date with our regular “Erik Larsen News” segment as well! As always, we would love to hear from you! Drop us a line at SAVAGEFINCAST (at) GMAIL (dot) COM to comment about the show or suggest future discussion ideas. We will most likely read your letter on the next episode.